
Fake Friends Wacced Out

Anytime I turn this pod machine on it feels so good to be able to talk about particular issues. I truly believe that you can add to the conversation without being lame. This episode addresses something that I have dealt with for a long time and I felt it was time to place a flag […]


Summer Dreams

The summer seems to always include new and exciting things. It can be your child’s first bee sting, a new hobby, a new destination or just serve as a rebirth. As we embark on Summer 23′ we hope that it as fulfilling and surpasses your wildest “Summer Dreams”. Now get out there and live a […]

Expensive Ego

In this Episode we take a dive into what an ego can cost you. The challenge here is for you to take inventory of your ego and see if you are guilty of some of the things addressed. If not, great for you, if this applies to you just do better. Let go. Stay inspired. […]

Lifshitz Move

So by now if you follow Ralph Lauren you may have seen the Morehouse and Spelman collection. I have added my two cents to the “move” on the “Inspired by Life, Art & Dreams” podcast. This is more than a surface level opinion. My intention was to give a business assessment of the collection. In […]

Varsity Noir

Varsity Noir: The vibe of this piece was to create a simple yet detailed version of a Varsity jacket. Acknowledging that people probably don’t need anything especially in these strange time presented a challenge. The challenge was that if someone could only have one Varsity jacket for the rest of their life what would that […]

Burning Jerseys

This podcast episode is not for imaginary players. Don’t laugh. This is only for the official ones. LOL. This episode deals with staying attached to a team too long. In certain instances when the fans are upset about a particular player leaving a team they will burn that players’ jersey. Well I’m dealing with burning […]

FW 21 Varsity Jacket

Introducing our Varsity Jacket for F/W 21. I’ve always said that I would make everything I ever wanted. This jacket means just as much to us as our first bow tie. This jacket has so much put in to it and I would feel it a disservice if I didn’t share. First, this was supposed […]

All The Brilliant Things

All The Brilliant Things by Skyzoo is one of the most impressive art pieces that I have seen in a while. This body of work intricately describes his tenure and birthplace in Brooklyn while updating you like the evening news on current happenings. I know Skyzoo has been described as being too much to follow […]

Nose and Ear

Fellas, I know we may not be visiting the groomer as much these days but this is a must have in your arsenal. I know this can be a little disgusting but it’s a necessary evil. This little doohickey will keep you looking your best and well manicured in between visits. Your nose hairs do […]

New Normal

Well, well…..I don’t even know where to begin. In this midst of the crazy pandemic where do we find normalcy. I can’t lie as I believe we all have struggled a little through it but there are a lot of things to be thankful for. Creativity and Content have provided the best escape for us. […]
